Few things compare to the comfort of occupying a newly-built home. Everything is new, and there is no damage or wear and tear from the previous owner. Since your property is brand new, you may not see the need for a home inspection. Because contractors may make mistakes and there could be defective materials, most builders offer a warranty for a specific period. Request a builder’s warranty inspection while you’re covered to check for issues that may come up after construction.

Not Every Newly-Built Home is Perfect

Although buying or constructing a new home likely means that there will be fewer issues, it doesn’t mean that there won’t be any. While your brand new home may appear to be flawless, there could be hidden defects that aren’t apparent to an untrained eye.

There could be foundation issues, roof leaks, or even problems with electrical wiring. These are just a few of the potential defects that may have been missed during construction. Some problems only come up after you’ve lived in the home for a period of time. This is how a builder’s warranty inspection helps you to protect your investment.

Use a Builder’s Warranty Inspection to Save Money

Sometimes construction imperfections won’t show until years after construction. Many reliable home builders offer warranties, but most of these warranties last only up to a year, which is a short period to identify potential defects.

Once the warranty expires, your builder won’t fix any problems related to the construction for free. You will have to pay the full cost of any construction repair or maintenance issues. So, make sure you request a builder’s warranty inspection to identify necessary repairs before your warranty expires. Your repairs will be covered by the warranty and you’ll avoid out-of-pocket expenses in the future.

Protect Your Investment

Fixing foundation problems, electrical defects, leaking roofs, or any other major issue in your home could cost you thousands of dollars. Worse, these issues may take a toll on your home’s structural integrity, which can consequently impact other areas of the house. Hire a third-party inspector to identify these problems before your builder’s warranty ends.

Deal with Issues Before the Warranty Expires

Your builder’s warranty generally covers necessary repairs for 12 months. This is a short amount of time, and you won’t be able to file any claim against your builder once the period lapses. Don’t wait until the last few days to ask for a builder’s warranty inspection.

Schedule the inspection a month or two before your warranty expires. You’ll have enough time to identify problems and notify your builder so they can fix them during the warranty period. Keep in mind that any construction-related issue will become your expense once your builder’s warranty expires.

Prepare Your Home for the Future with a Builder’s Warranty Inspection

Imperfections in new construction could impact the overall value of the property. If you attempt to sell your home in the future, potential buyers may hesitate or offer less if they learn that the property has significant issues. Scheduling a builder’s warranty inspection can help identify and fix these problems to prepare your home for a future sale.

North Point Home Inspections provides builder’s warranty inspections to Atlanta and the surrounding areas. Contact us to schedule an inspection.